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To say that I am excited for what has just happened is an understatement! The plan to build the best flats boat possible and start a charter business is not just a dream any more. Dingo's Fishing Adventures, LLC is here to provide a personalized back country adventure like no other. My life's adventures have brought me to some amazing fishing destinations and created many great friendships along the way. Im so excited to raise my family in the town of Jupiter, Florida. This fishery may not yet be on the radar for people out of town, state and over seas. Im here to tell you this fishery is amazing. Palm Beach International Airport is only a 25 minute drive away. Jupiter is a peace full sea side fishing town with a lot to offer. Whether you are a serious angler or simply want to enjoy the outdoors with family and friends. Jupiter is worth the visit, the local restaurants are fantastic and beaches are beautiful. If you are looking for a personalized fishing charter please feel free to call me on +1 (561) 245-1997 or check out my website

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